Thanking Letter -after a job interview

Dear Job Applicants, Thanking Letter is very important, especially if you want to give a lasting impression to the interviewer, who has taken many interviews in the same day, such thanking letter would definitely leave a mark and help you nail a job. Also thanks letter gives you the chance to say something additional that you couldn’t convey to the interviewer during the interview. Here is a sample for your guidance. Best of Luck, Erum Abbasi Freelance Writer Business & HR     (Your Name) XXX Ras Al Khaimah, UAE Mobile: +971-XXXXXXXX E-mail: XXXXXXXX Name (of the Interviewer), His Title, Company … Continue reading Thanking Letter -after a job interview

Knowledge-Focused Human Resource Management (HRM)

Essay Introduction: In today’s era where organizations have become economically and technically competitive in the global market, knowledge based human resource management is the fundamental step to be on edge. This text is about the importance of such knowledge focused human resource management which makes it possible for the organizations to create knowledge and innovation in their processes. In addition to this, the paper also critically evaluates the impact and challenges of such major shift in today’s organizations towards knowledge economy. Furthermore, the discussion is supported by the empirical studies and literary reviews to assess the topic in detail. It … Continue reading Knowledge-Focused Human Resource Management (HRM)

JOB INTERVIEW QUESTION: Tell Me Something About Yourself?

I am an experienced professional, with XXXX years of continuous job experience in Administration, HR, Customer Service & Executive Secretarial positions, including experience in large MNCs in UAE, having advanced computer skills and complete knowledge of Office Administration, I want to pursue my career in a reputable and progressive company. I attended XXXXXX University in UK where, I Graduated in English and therefore have very strong communication skills in English. I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and have the ability to get along well with people. I enjoy challenges and looking for creative solutions to problems. I am … Continue reading JOB INTERVIEW QUESTION: Tell Me Something About Yourself?

PHONE INTERVIEW: How to prepare for it?

The key to ace a Phone Interview is nice preparation. Prepare for a phone interview just as you would prepare for a regular interview. Compile a list of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a list of answers to typical phone interview questions. In addition, plan on being prepared for a phone conversation about your background and skills. Here are a few best tips to nail a job over phone interview: Keep your CV in clear view so it’s at your fingertips when you need to answer questions. Have a short list of your achievements available to review. Have a pen … Continue reading PHONE INTERVIEW: How to prepare for it?

Corporate Restructure – Step to survive during financial crisis

The importance of Corporate Restructure during economic fall No one can deny the importance of change management. Most corporate bodies that endure over an extended period need to adapt to changing circumstances. During recent financial crisis, such changes were sudden and completely unexpected. Even when changes are gradual many organisations frequently fail to recognise them and to make the necessary changes in good time. It is these failures that lead for the need of corporate restructuring. During such downturn state in Europe, Mideast and the other regions, multitudes of businesses like real estate and finance sectors have become victim of major … Continue reading Corporate Restructure – Step to survive during financial crisis

Why Succession Planning?

  The importance of Succession Planning in current downturn state Succession planning is always regarded as most important for organizations’ success especially during current financial crisis. It is because business continuity is at the top of priorities when arguments take place over who should run the business, it will have a disastrous effect on sales and morale within the business. A forced, ill-informed or panic decision could mean the business is transferred into reluctant or incapable hands. So a proper and deep Succession Planning keeps the business ready to bridge the leavers’ gap at top management level. The benefits & impact … Continue reading Why Succession Planning?

Employee Retention – a key to business growth

The importance of Employee Retention In recent days, Employee Retention has become an important factor for the prosperous and smooth run of business. But the more it is important, the more it has become difficult because of current market competitions and huge diversity in employee benefits in different companies. When employee retention is focused, it leads to greater organizational stability and productivity. Management must take the initiative to provide strategies for improving Employee Retention The loss of top performers is an unsettling prospect for any organization, but it can be minimized by taking proactive steps to eliminate the root causes … Continue reading Employee Retention – a key to business growth