Thanking Letter -after a job interview

Dear Job Applicants, Thanking Letter is very important, especially if you want to give a lasting impression to the interviewer, who has taken many interviews in the same day, such thanking letter would definitely leave a mark and help you nail a job. Also thanks letter gives you the chance to say something additional that you couldn’t convey to the interviewer during the interview. Here is a sample for your guidance. Best of Luck, Erum Abbasi Freelance Writer Business & HR     (Your Name) XXX Ras Al Khaimah, UAE Mobile: +971-XXXXXXXX E-mail: XXXXXXXX Name (of the Interviewer), His Title, Company … Continue reading Thanking Letter -after a job interview

Sample Business Letter

      Dear Sir, It was a great pleasure to talk and meet with you regarding the ABC Business. As per our telecom regarding ABC Business Opportunity, please find attached the required details. Hope it will meet your standards. I you require some more information, please feel free to contact me on xxxxxxxxxx or email me at: xxxxxxxxx. It would definitely be my pleasure to do ABC Business with you or to meet with you again at your convenience to further discuss it. Besides, just let me know, if you have any further questions regarding our business, I will … Continue reading Sample Business Letter